27 May Portable Airfield Lighting Operating at Canadian International Airport
Aplication: Portable LED Airfield Lighting System
- LED Runway Lighting
- LED Threshold Lighting
- 2 x Portable Runway Charging Trailers
- Runway End Identifier Lights (REILS)
Location: Erik Neilson International Airport, Yukon, Canada
Date: 2019
Aviation Renewables delivered a portable airfield lighting system for Erik Neilson International Airport in Yukon Territory, Canada. The versatile system will allow the airport to maintain operations in case of an emergency outage of the primary lighting system. In addition, the system can also be deployed to other airports within the territory during construction operations, planned maintenance activities or disaster response airport exercises. The portable LED airfield lighting system charging trailers required a custom electrical charging solution compatible to both the international airport and remote regional airport infrastructure requirements. Training was carried out onsite for airport electrical staff, maintenance operators emergency crew personnel.
The airport had a need for a trailer based portable runway LED lighting system to help mitigate any challenges during emergencies or planned maintenance activities. The lights needed to be compliant to Medium Intensity Runway Edge Lighting of TP312, easily controlled with a handheld remote control, and built to withstand the harsh northern climate.
Working with airport personnel, Aviation Renewables was able to supply a portable airfield lighting system capable of operating in the challenging climate of Canada’s far north. The system is able to be deployed on either the primary or secondary runways at Whitehorse. Should the airport require the portable airfield lighting systems for operations at other airports in the territory, the systems can be towed securely and simply by most tow vehicles. In addition, the intl. airport and Yukon Government will retain the ability to respond to unforeseen emergency situations such as electrical power failures, natural disasters and nec- essary maintenance requirements such as construction works, electrical airfield ground lighting maintenance, or training exercises.
With budget demands and tight timelines, Aviation Renewables was able to meet the airport’s expectations for runway safety, TP312 compliance, economic cost savings and long-term operations capability over the next twenty years. The entire system was delivered and commissioned within 6 weeks of the contract award.
View the complete Project Report and find more about Portable Airfield Lighting here.

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