
Windsock Lighting. Aviation Renewables has been awarded a contract to supply and deliver solar LED windcones and a retro-reflective taxiway marker system for an African Civil Aviation Authority. These technologies will be used in conjunction to the previously supplied LED runway lighting, LED threshold lighting,...

Aviation Renewables delivered a retro reflective helipad marking system for a mine site in Canada. The versatile system will allow the helipad to receive MEDEVAC helicopters in the event of an emergency. The system exceeds the requirements of the helicopter operator, and consists of reflective...

For Immediate Release Victoria BC, Canada. 15 August, 2017 --/ Aviation Renewables has been awarded a turnkey contract to supply, install, train and commission a solar LED airfield lighting system in Eastern Africa. The solar LED airfield lighting system will be capable of supporting VFR, non-precision and medevac operations at a...

LED Apron Lighting. Aviation Renewables completed a high mast LED Apron Lighting retrofit project at Lynden Pindling International Airport (NAS) in Nassau, Bahamas. The new LED apron lighting system offers exceptional savings in electricity, maintenance and equipment costs with a 10-year warranty on performance, parts...

The wind cone, also called the 'windsock' is a colorful tool at each airport that offers relevant information to pilots, allowing them to quickly and easily determine the approximate wind speed and direction before taking off or landing. Wind Cone Technology Pilots have much more precise and...

Portable Airfield Lighting. Aviation Renewables has been awarded a contract to supply, deliver and commission two portable LED airfield lighting systems for a central East African Civil Aviation Department.  Each portable LED airfield lighting system will consist of LED runway lighting, LED threshold lighting, LED taxiway lighting,...

Portable Airfield Lighting System has been supplied, delivered and commissioned at Erik Neilson International Airport by Aviation Renewables. Located in Canada’s Yukon Territory, Whitehorse is home to Northern Canada’s largest international airport serving domestic, charter and international carriers. The Airport had a need for portable...